
Using HTML Tags

An HTML entity is a special character that you can add to format or add symbols to text. The simplest is “ ” the non-breaking space. Note that, unlike an HTML tag, an entity begins with & and ends in ;

Use &nsbp; to force one or more spaces that will not break across lines. This is the opposite of using <br> to force a line feed. If the layout is breaking in a place that you don’t like, replace the regular space with &nbsp; This will force the browser to render the two words together.

Dietary ingredient rendered over 2 lines
Add &nbsp; where each natural space occurs — Refresh

Note that once you enter the values, the &nbsp; will be rendered by the browser to look like a regular space, and the text will appear on one line in Supplement Facts. Check that the SF header occupies the full width of the box — use IMAGE to adjust if needed.

Other useful HTML symbol entities are &copy; © and &reg; ® signs. The non-breaking hyphen (&#8209;) is used to define a hyphen character (‑) that does not break into a new line.